Practical tips for dealing with water-damaged photos.

Restoring water damaged photos

Some handy practical tips for dealing with water-damaged photos.

It can be a pretty traumatic experience to face the reality of confronting water-damaged photos, especially when they are the only reference you have that documents your most precious memories.

The good news is that even after a severe flooding event, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have entirely lost your most beloved photographs.

This article will walk you through multiple examples of varying techniques to assist in salvaging wet and damaged photographs. However, after carefully reading our suggestions, and this appears to be something you are not entirely comfortable with, you can always lean on one of our customer service representatives to assist with your requirements. Our team can professionally assist with retouching, restoring and enhancing your original photographs.

What are the Significant causes of water damage found with photographs?

Besides the critical areas of concern that contribute to water damage with your photos, such as floods, leaks, and spillage, many other factors also affect your pictures over time.

Such things can include a heating system in your house, prolonged exposure to a humid environment, poor storage conditions, poorly framed prints that are in direct contact with the prepared glass and finally, a build-up of mould on the surface of the photo.

As time goes by, there are constant improvements in the print manufacturing and production process that ensures the prints can withstand multiple factors, preventing them from quickly deteriorating and making them more robust.

However, older photographs are more susceptible to emulsification when immersed in water for long durations, which can cause them to become tacky and stick together.

Let us get into it. Here are some tips for saving a wet photo.

Below we have listed some valuable fixes to achieve excellent outcomes right from home that you can do by yourself or with the support of a professional conservator. Take a look at the following steps for restoring damaged water photographs.

Drying out your photos to preserve them.

It is best to aim to dry your photos out as quickly as possible. It is best practice to prioritize the images without negatives. You will need to delicately remove the wet pictures from their albums or the contaminated water. It would be best if you didn’t disturb the emulsion while wet. Once you have successfully separated the negative film or photo, carefully rinse both sides with cold water to remove any additional contaminates, then place the photo viewing side up on wax paper. If you encounter images badly stuck together, do not force them apart.

Move Quickly.

It is important to remember to act quickly, especially if dealing with hundreds of water affected photos. As soon as you can commence with the drying process, the better, but please do not leave it for more than two days, as the longer the images are left unattended, the more likely they will be stuck together, which can make them unsalvageable.

Pay Special Attention to Photos in Frames.

Framed photographs, when wet, can be prone to be stuck to the inside glass of the frame. Which, when removed, can lead to the emulsion of the print lifting away. It is best to keep both the photo and the glass together while washing carefully with clean water until they separate. Suppose you feel uncomfortable separating the image from the glass. In this case, it is best to leave it to a professional, as it is still possible to repair the image even if the glass is still attached to the picture’s surface. It is also worth mentioning that when coming into direct contact with the print, the best practice is to handle it with gloves, to reduce any unnecessary contamination, tearing or staining to the surface.

Using Absorbent Material to Lay your Photos Down On.

While wet, your photos will absorb anything they come into contact with, so it is important to remember that you use clean, non-printed, highly absorbent paper towels, not something like a newspaper.

Another helpful method is to place them between sheets of wax paper, seal them in an airtight bag and freeze them to prevent the damage from spreading. You can carefully dry them out with a hairdryer when you have time to commence with the conservation process.

Be Cautious About Direct UV Exposure.

Leaving your photos out in direct sunlight over time can increase the risk of fading. Even though it may be a desirable method of drying your prints out, it is essential not to leave the photos exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods. Also, the use of wind and high heating temperatures can cause your pictures to curl. The best practice is to dry your photos indoors to prevent mould build-up.

Get in contact with a Professional Photo Restoration Service.

Sometimes, the best procedure when dealing with water-damaged photos is to get in contact with a professional photo restoration service.

Prolab has had almost five decades of experience in photo restoration. Our dedicated restoration team is skilled in handling damaged, photographic originals, salvaging them and converting them to their original condition. In less than a week, our team can undo the damage caused by water, reducing fading, tare marks, and discolouration. We can then arrange for a delivery or send a high-resolution digital reproduction to your nominated email address.

Some Preventative Measures to Protect Your Photos Into the Future.

Water damage is probably one of the most significant contributing factors to cause damage to your precious photos. Listed below are some handy tips on ensuring you don’t find yourself in this position again:

Produce Digital Copies Of Your Photos.

Making some high-quality scans of your most treasured photos will act as a safeguard. By doing this, you will always have a backup handy, depending on what situation you may find yourself in in the future. You can use a scanner for your photos or perform this task by using an app on your mobile phone.

Store Your Printed Photos Correctly.

Using proper photo albums, non-porous boxes, and negative sleeves will help preserve your photos. Look for acid-free paper albums stored inside a sealed case in a dry storage environment.

Try and prevent your photo albums from being stored away in humid environments, such as a garage or basement, attic, or any location where you feel there might be an excess of humidity lurking around. Over time, these conditions will increase the risk of mould build-up, which will eventually cause your photos to stain.

Consult With An Expert.

There is no open and shut case when dealing with the photo restoration process. Sometimes seeking the advice of a professional can be vitally important and could be a make or break moment for the restoration journey.

Examples to consider could be the makeup of the photograph itself, whether traditional silver halide, dye-sublimation or pigmented ink. Each printing method will require a dedicated restoration and salvaging technique applied for the best results.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help.

Sometimes the task of facing piles and piles of drenched photographs is an incredibly daunting process, and you may be quickly overwhelmed. That is why we have taken the time to outline some handy tips to ensure that you can feel more confident approaching this activity. However, always remember our dedicated team at Prolab is always available for advice and support when required.

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