How to Upload your Photos and Order Prints Using Prolab ROES

Prolab ROES Software for Windows and Mac Platforms

Prolab ROES Software

PROLAB.COM.AU ROES Client Hot Issues

The following procedures are for complete removal and re-install of Prolab ROES client and the Prolab ROES Web Start engine.

Macintosh Platforms


1. Delete the app from the applications folder. It will end in .app

-Finder->Go->Applications find the app and delete it.

2. Delete the desktop shortcut/alias. It will end in .app.alias

3. Delete the .ROESEngineCache

-Finder->Go->Go to Folder

-When the window opens up, put in: ~/.ROESEngineCache

-Highlight all files and folders and Move to Trash.

4. Clear the roescache folder.

- Finder->Go->Go to Folder

- When the window opens up, put in: ~/.roescache

- Click Go. The contents of the .roescache folder will be displayed.

- Highlight all files and folders and Move to Trash.

5. Clear the contents of the .PROLAB.COM.AU folder

- Finder->Go->Go to Folder

- When the window opens up, put in: ~/.PROLAB.COM.AU

- Click Go.

***Warning: The .PROLAB.COM.AU folder contains prior sent orders, autosaved orders and saved

favorites or packages. If you feel the need to retain information then copy/move the folder

to the desktop rather than the trash

- Highlight all files and folders and Move to Trash.

6. Reinstall the ROES Client for Macintosh platform by clicking here

Windows Platforms


1. Go to the Control Panel—> Program and Features and uninstall the Prolab ROES client

- Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features (If Windows complains that it can’t remove it, continue to the next steps).

Or if it was successfully removed proceed to step 9.

2. Search for ‘file explorer options’ in the bottom left search field on Windows (to the right of the Windows Start Logo) click on the 'view tab' and specify to show hidden files and folders then click 'Apply'

- Right-click the Windows Start Logo button and choose Open Windows Explorer.

- Click Organize and choose Folder and Search Options.

- Click the View tab, select Show hidden files and folders and then clear the checkbox for

Hide protected system operating files.

3. Go to and delete the contents of C:\ProgramData\SWROES.

4. Go to and delete the contents of C:\Program Files\ROES or C:\Program Files (x86)\ROES.

5. Go to and delete the contents of C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\ROES.

6. Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ and delete all files that start with

"RWSCleanup" (RWSCleanup.dll, RWSCleanup.InstallState and RWSCleanup files).

7. Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\ and delete the .roescache folder.

8. Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\ and delete the .PROLAB.COM.AU folder


***Warning: The .PROLAB.COM.AU folder contains prior sent orders, autosaved orders and saved

favorites or packages. If you feel the need to retain information then copy/move the folder

to the desktop rather then the trash.

9. Reinstall the Proab ROES Client for Windows platform by clicking here

  • I am unable to launch ROES, error Details list: Unsigned resource requesting disk access
  • AVG Issue: The ROES download starts but the progress bar stalls downloading/verifying application
  • The ROES Client will not send my order to the lab
  • How to Install PROLAB.COM.AU ROES

I am unable to launch ROES, error Details list: Unsigned resource requesting disk access

This issue began with the release of Java 7 update 5, and acknowledged by Java here. Via Windows Control Panel, open Java to get to the Java Control Panel and click Settings at the bottom of the General tab under Temporary Internet Files. Click Delete, make sure all 3 boxes are checked, and click OK to clear the Java cache (this will remove all Java applications from your system but leave the preferences and saved files intact). Once it completes, OK out back to Control Panel, then visit the Prolab's web site to start ROES fresh from "Download Now" link.

AVG Issue: The ROES download starts but the progress bar stalls downloading/verifying application

If after a fresh start of ROES (including after cleaning the Java Cache for the Unsigned Resource issue above), the download may stall when trying to go back out to the web for verification of the signed program files. This is being caused by AVG's security application, specifically the Link Scanner module. Disabling the Link Scanner (unchecking the boxes that enable it) allows the fresh start to finish and launch properly. The latest AVG 2012 guide can be found here.

The ROES Client will not send my order to the lab

The most current send issue is with FTP and Java 7. Java changed their FTP calls in version 7, and in Windows, due to a bug in the operating system (specifically Windows Firewall), FTP fails. The easiest fix may be to remove Java 7 and install Java 6, which can be obtained here. The other fix is to turn off the problem issue in Windows Firewall, which can be done via the following steps:

Click Start in Win 7/Vista, then choose All Programs, Accessories, and right-click on Command Prompt.

Choose Run as Administrator in the list and the black command window will open. At the prompt type:

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable

and press Enter. An 'OK' should appear below it and bounce back to a prompt. Then type


and press Enter to formally quit the window. After that ROES orders should send OK via FTP. The command simply turns off a check in Windows Firewall that is causing the issue. The Java bug report can be seen here.


Download our Prolab ROES Software

Step 1You'll be taken to a web page that will check to see if you have the proper version of Java installed on your computer. If you do not, it will first download and run a Java installer.

Now depending on your web browsers setting, it may ask for your permission in order to run this task.

Click "Run this Time" and give your permission.

If your web browser has no restrictions the application should automatically start downloading.

If this does not happen you will be given the choice to either open or save a file called "launch.jnpl". Click open or if your only option is save choose that.

If you have choosen to open using Java Web Start then the application will begin running.

If you clicked save you will need to located the file called "launch.jnpl" in your download folder and double click on this file to start the application.


Downloading Application via Java Web Start Should Begin

Step 2This screen should appear either automatically or after you double click on the launch.jnlp file discussed in step 1.


Save to "Prolab ROES" to your Desktop

Step 3If you are presented with the option to save the ROES software to your desktop then do so. In some instances you may not be given this option and the ROES printing software will either start automatically or you may be required to find the application on your desktop.


Look on your Desktop and Click on the "Prolab ROES" Icon

Step 4If the ROES software doesn't start automatically then proceed to your desktop and look for the Prolab ROES software icon displayed to the right. Once you find it double click on the application to run the program.


Application "Prolab ROES" Requests Access to your Computer

Step 5Click on "Allow" to enable the ROES software to access images on your computer, so that they can be uploaded for printing.


Loading Products and Catalogue

Step 6Everytime the ROES software starts you should see the application downloading and updating the product catalogue. The procedure is quick and should be over in a matter of seconds.

Success, You Have Now Installed Prolab ROES!

Step 7In the next few minutes you should receive an email with a link to a video tutorial on how to upload and order your prints using the ROES software. Make sure you watch this video as it reveals where you have to go to enter your special promotional code you were sent earlier.

Why Choose Prolab Over Other Online Photo Printing Companies?

Unlike other printing companies - Prolab was established in 1976 as a professional photographic lab, Prolab has been nationally respected for over 45 years as a provider of quality photo imaging and display services. Prolab is a place where both craftsmanship and an appreciation for your original work is still truly valued.